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Les résultats statistiques de l'analyse de mise à l'échelle se trouvent dans le fichier Excel nommé "table_result_scaling_up_analysis_scaleup53.xlsx". Cette table contient les colonnes suivantes. (Notez que le tableau est divisé en deux parties dans la capture d'écran suivante.) 

  • amid: Unique identifier attributed to each new health facility by AccessMod. Please note that this identifier corresponds to the one reported in the "amid" column of the resulting health facility layer
  • amRankComputed: Order in which the new health facilities have been located during the scaling-up analysis
  • amName: Temporary name of the new health facility attributed by AccessMod and corresponding to the name reported in the "amName" column of the resulting health facilities layer
  • amTravelTimeMax: Maximum travel time, in minutes, set for the analysis
  • amPopTravelTimeMax: Total population located within the maximum travel time set for the analysis (amTravelTimeMax)
  • amCorrPopTime: Pearson correlation coefficient between the set of travelling times (t, from 0 to the maximum travel time) and the corresponding covered population within this time step (i.e., the sum of population in all cells that are located between t and t+1 of travelling time). The correlation can give a rough estimate of how to population is distributed through space as we move outward from the health facility. As an example, a large positive value (e.g. 0.421 in the first line of the above table) means that the population is relatively uniformly distributed as you expand outwards from the facility. A strong negative value would mean that there is more population closer to the health facility than there is far away from it. A correlation close to zero means that there is no tendency in how the population is spread within the catchment area. Therefore, this correlation should really just be used as a relative indicator, as we do not provide the significance of the correlation in AccessMod (You should use proper GIS analysis outside AccessMod if you need statistical insights about how the population is spatially spread within the catchments).
  • amLabel: Health facility type attached to the new health facility through the analysis, based on the field selected from the new health facility information table. This field contains the same information as the "amLabel" column of the resulting health facilities layer.
  • amCapacity: Maximum coverage capacity attached to the new health facility through the analysis, based on the field selected from the new health facility information table. This field contains the same information as the "amCapacity" column of the resulting health facilities layer Identifiant unique attribué à chaque nouvelle structure de santé par AccessMod. Veuillez noter que cet identifiant correspond à celui indiqué dans la colonne "amid" de la couche des structures de santé résultante.
  • amRankComputed: Ordre dans lequel les nouvelles structures de santé ont été établies lors de l'analyse de mise à l'échelle
  • amName: Nom temporaire de la nouvelle structure de santé attribué par AccessMod et correspondant au nom indiqué dans la colonne "amName" de la couche des structures de santé obtenue.
  • amTravelTimeMax: Durée maximale du trajet, en minutes, définie pour l'analyse
  • amPopTravelTimeMax: Population totale située dans la durée de trajet maximale définie pour l'analyse (amTravelTimeMax)
  • amCorrPopTime: Coefficient de corrélation de Pearson entre l'ensemble des temps de parcours (t, de 0 au temps de parcours maximal) et la population couverte correspondante au cours de ce temps (c'est-à-dire la somme de la population de toutes les cellules situées entre t et t + 1 du temps de trajet). La corrélation peut donner une estimation approximative de la répartition de la population dans l’espace lorsque nous sortons du centre de santé. Par exemple, une valeur positive élevée (par exemple, 0,421 dans la première ligne de la table ci-dessus) signifie que la population est répartie de manière relativement uniforme à mesure que vous vous développez à partir de la structure de santé. Une forte valeur négative signifierait qu'il y a plus de population plus proche du centre de santé que loin de là. Une corrélation proche de zéro signifie qu'il n'y a pas de tendance dans la répartition de la population dans le bassin versant. Par conséquent, cette corrélation doit être utilisée comme un indicateur relatif, car nous ne fournissons pas la signification de la corrélation dans AccessMod (vous devez utiliser une analyse SIG appropriée en dehors d'AccessMod si vous avez besoin d'informations statistiques sur la répartition spatiale de la population dans les aires de captage).
  • amLabel: Type de structure de santé associé à la nouvelle structure de santé via l'analyse, en fonction du champ sélectionné dans la nouvelle table d'informations sur la structure de santé. Ce champ contient les mêmes informations que la colonne "amLabel" de la couche des centres de santé résultante.
  • amCapacity: Capacité de couverture maximale associée à la nouvelles structure de santé grâce à l'analyse, en fonction du champ sélectionné dans la table d'informations sur les nouvelles structures de santé. Ce champ contient les mêmes informations que la colonne "amCapacity" de la couche des centres de santé résultante.
  • amTravelTimeCatchment: Travel time to reach the maximum extent of the catchment area attached to the health facility. This value is either:
    • Equal to the maximum travel time set for the analysis (amTravelTimeMax) when the maximum coverage capacity of the facility has not been reached within that given time (120 min in this case); or,
    • Smaller than the maximum travel time set for the analysis (amTravelTimeMax) when the maximum coverage capacity of the facility is reached before reaching amTravelTimeMax.
  • amPopCatchmentTotal: Population located within the catchment area for the travel time reported in the amTravelTimeCatchment field
  • amCapacityRealised: Part of the maximum coverage capacity of the health facility that is being realized (used) based on the total population located in the catchment area for the travel time. This value is:
    • Equal to the maximum coverage capacity of the health facility (capacity) when this value is reached before the maximum travel time (amTravelTimeMax).
    • Smaller than the maximum coverage capacity of the health facility (capacity) when such capacity is not reached within the maximum travel time (amTravelTimeMax).
  • amCapacityResidual: Part of the maximum coverage capacity of the health facility that is not being used. This value is calculated by finding the difference between the maximum coverage capacity (capacity) and the realized capacity (amCapacityRealised). This value is therefore equal to 0 when the maximum coverage capacity is being reached within the given travel time.
  • amPopCatchmentDiff: Part of the total population located in the final catchment area (amPopCatchmentTotal), which is not covered by the facility due to lack of coverage capacity. This value is calculated by finding the difference between the total population in the catchment area (amPopCatchmentTotal) and the realized capacity (amCapacityRealised). This value is therefore:
    • Equal to 0 when the maximum coverage capacity is not reached within the given travel time; or
    • Greater than 0 when the maximum coverage capacity is reached within the given travel time
  • amPopCoveredPercent: Cumulative geographic coverage expressed in percent. This value corresponds to the percentage of the initial population distribution grid that is being covered after each iteration (i.e., after each new health facility is located)
