AccessMod 5 user manual

Welcome to AccessMod 5 user manual!

If you are looking at the printed/pdf version of this manual, make sure to also check the online version of AccessMod 5 manual, which is always the most up-to-date version, in English ( or French (

The main AccessMod website is found here:

Main authors of the manual: Prof. Nicolas Ray, Dr. Steeve Ebener, Mr. Frederic Moser

How to cite this manual:
Ray, N., Ebener, S., Moser, F. 2022. AccessMod 5 user manual, version 5.x, online version. 

Please see the AccessMod GitHub page for a full list of all changes and bug fixes:

Document version control

Manual VersionDate of
Name of editor(s)AccessMod versionChanges
5.826.12.2022N. Ray, C. Ochoa5.8

AccessMod now runs under Docker, either through 1) the Virtual machine (as before), 2) a dedicated launcher application, or 3) directly through Docker installed on the user machine. Possibility to go back to previous versions. Possibility to use the "Knight's move" for the cost-distance analysis. Possibility to generate a cost-allocation raster in the accessibility analysis. Zonal statistics can be done for several travel time at once. Faster analyses and better responsiveness. A command-line version of accessMod ("Replay" mode) is available. Updates of most librairies in the stack, many improvements under the hood and bug corrections.

5.6.2528.11.2019N. Ray5.6.25Faster computation of large countries at high resolution; import and export of full projects (settings and data); geographic coverage analysis is now possible without consideration of maximum capacity; automatic adjustment of population census in "correct for population" module; more precision in output of the referral module. Ray5.6.11.2New class raster "imported travel time" to import travel time raster produced elsewhere. Conversion in integer format of the imported "land cover" raster. Improved visibility of new available version of the software.
5.6.410.6.2019N. Ray5.6.4Updated new links to online manuals. Updated the "stack item" description in 5.5.2 to account for change in behaviour. Updated 5.5.6 for the description of max. travel time. Ray, Y. Guigoz5.6.0Updated several parts of the user guide to account for the major version 5.6 release Ray5.3.2Updated various parts of the user guide with the suggested improvements listed in issue #155 on Github



N. Ray


Updated various parts of the user guide, and all screenshots, to reflect the new functionalities



N. Ray, S. Ebener


Updated several parts of the user guide to reflect the new functionalities in version 5.2.1 and improve some parts of the text



N. Ray, S. Ebener


Updated several parts of the user guide to reflect the new functionalities in version 5.2.1 and improve some parts of the text



N. Ray


Edited version with description of the new facility selector/filter tool. Add details about AccessMod update under section 5.1. New numbering scheme for the document (it now matches the AccessMod version on which it is based)



N. Ray, S. Ebener


Edited version taken into accounts comments/edits from: Michelle Schmitz, Karin Stenberg, Andrew Curtis



N. Ray, S. Ebener, F. Moser


Initial complete document